
The academy of the future
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Making and breaking picture codes: Seasons and Pseudo Panoramas
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For those in peril on the sea: Journeys
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National galahs: Visions of a Larrikin
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One foot firmly in each world: The Dreamtime Today
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Parody, audacity and convention: A readable saga
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Celebrations of SA's foundations: Ceramics
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From the (Still) Life and other works by Jacky Redgate
Interview Issue
Without wishing to tread on anyone's Toas...
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
The loopy, the bad and the ugly: Triad and the German Show
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
German art at the Adelaide Festival
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
Piano accordions of our dreams: Photographs by Boyd Webb
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
Lost rooms and empty chances: Four Rooms + 2 and Site & Vision
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
Acts of defiance and futility: Art in Chile
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
Sue Richter video and film installations at the EAF
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
Artists' Week: Disseminator of information
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
Sacred sites of white Australians
Artists' Week Adelaide 1986
The big show: Australia Perspecta '85
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Demi-gods: Using or being used
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Tackling patriarchal super-egos: Hysterical Tears and The Mutilated Pieta
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Bringing public and private together: Cafe du Reve
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Community art: Port Lincoln
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Art and ideas: Monumental Drawings
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False and other horizons: Ailsa Maxwell and Fiona Gunn
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Wild Visionary Spectral: New German Art
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Have a butcher's hook at Printamania
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