Recollections of Memory: Akio Makigawa
Jewellery by Carlier Makigawa
Galerie Dusseldorf
October 1998
Mining the Archive
Juliet Stone Paintings and Pastels
Juliet Stone paintings and pastels
Gomboc Gallery
1-22 November 1998
Mining the Archive
ODD: business, news, finance and weather
Andrew Petrusevics and Chris Gaston
Artspace, Adelaide Festival Centre
28 August to 24 October 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Entree: Emerging Adelaide Artists
Curated by Di Barrett
Nexus Gallery, Adelaide
September - October
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Expanse: Aboriginalities, Spatialities and the Politics of Ecstasy
University of SA Art Museum
4 September - 3 October 1998
Curated by Ian North
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Warka Irititja Munu Kuwari Kutu/Work from the Past and the Present
A celebration of fifty years of Ernabella Arts Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide
August - September 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Sit Up! and Nature as Object
Sit Up!: 100 Masterpieces from the Vitra Design Museum Collection
Nature as Object: Craft and Design from Japan, Finland and Australia
Art Gallery of Western Australia
2 July - 6 September 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Past Tense/Future Perfect
Craftwest Gallery, Perth and Moores Building, Fremantle
4 - 26 July 1998
Centre for Contemporary Craft, Customs House, Sydney
12 September - 11 October 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Divergent: Abstraction and the Photographic Object
Recent Works by Adam Bunny, Jane Burton, Penelope Davis, Gavin Hipkins, Brian Jefferies, David Martin, Jeffrey Sturges & Andrew Wilson
Curated by Simon Cuthbert
Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, Hobart, September 11 - October 4
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
The Meeting of the Waters: The Australian Print Project
24 Hr Art, Darwin
September 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
The Wild(e) Colonial Boy
Leigh Bowery
edited Robert Violette
published Editions Violette/distributed by Thames and Hudson
$89.00 238 pp colour and b&w illustrations
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
White Aborigines: Identity Politics in Australian Art
Ian McLeanWhite Aborigines:Identity Politics in Australian Art. Oakleigh, Vic, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 204 pp. RRP $39.95 hb.
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
8 X Tables by Steve Tepper
Moore's Building, Fremantle
May 14 - 28, 1998
Reviewed by Robyn Taylor
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Sustained Contemplative Images: Atlas Exhibition Cathy Blanchflower
Goddard de Fiddes Gallery, Perth
1 - 22 May 1998.
Reviewed by Mary Livesey
Art, Pornography & Censorship
The Promise of Fruit: Kirsty Darlaston, Brenda Goggs, Lucia Pichler, Karen Russell
North Adelaide School Of Art Gallery
13 May - 4 June 1998
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Black Humour
Curated by Neville John O'Neill for the Canberra Contemporary Art Space.
Tandanya, National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide
10 July - 16 August 1998
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Cosie: She Decorated a House and Called it a Home
Annette McKee and Helen Fuller Jam Factory Gallery Adelaide SA
16 May- 5 July 1998
Art, Pornography & Censorship
The Painted Coast: Views of the Fleurieu Peninsula Coast of South Australia.
Art Gallery of SA
8 May to 16 August 1998
Curated by Jane Hylton
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Ecologies of Place and Memory and Time and Tide
Ecologies of Place and Memory (Lauren Berkowitz, Rosemary Burke, Torquil Canning, Lola Greeno, Ruth Hadlow, Sieglinde Karl and Louise Weaver)
Time & Tide (Rowena Gough, Gay Hawkes, Lin Li, Pilar Rojas and Catherine Truman)
Both curated by Bridget Sullivan
Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, Hobart
May 22 - June 14 (Ecologies)
June 19 - July 12 (Time)
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Public Art Practical Guidelines
Book review Public Art Practical Guidelines
Authors Pip Sawyer, Malcolm McGregor, Robyn Taylor
Published by the Ministry for Culture and the Arts
September 1997
$40.00 + $5.00 p&h from the
Artists Foundation of WA
Public Art in Australia
All this and Heaven too
Exhibition review All this and Heaven too Curated by Juliana Engberg The Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art
Art Gallery of South Australia
28 February - 13 April 1998
Public Art in Australia
1998 Adelaide Festival Visual Arts Program
Review of the 1998 Adelaide Festival Visual Arts Program
February - March 1998
Public Art in Australia
Artists' Week... Walk that Walk
Review of Artists week for the Adelaide Festival of Arts
Public Art in Australia
Coming Round the Mountain: Excursive Sight
Exhibtion Review Coming Round the Mountain: Excursive Sight
Plimsoll Gallery,
Centre for the Arts University of Tasmania Hobart
17 January - 1 February 1998
Public Art in Australia
Pillow Songs: Poonkhin Khut
Exhibition Review Pillow Songs: Poonkhin Khut
Sidespace Gallery
Salamanca Arts Centre Hobart Tasmania
January 1 - 30 1998
Public Art in Australia
Visual Arts Program: Festival of Perth
Exhibition review Visual Arts Program: Festival of Perth
February 1998
Public Art in Australia
Contemporary Art in Asia: Traditions/Tensions
Exhibition Review Contemporary Art in Asia: Traditions/Tensions Organised by the Asia Society New York
Art Gallery of Western Australia
6 February - 29 March 1998
Public Art in Australia
Maria Ghost: Rick Martin
Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide SA
December - January 1998
Art & the Spirit
The Measured Room
Di Barrett, Mark Kimber, Deborah Paauwe, Toby Richardson Contemporary Art Centre of SA
1 October - 2 November 1997
Art & the Spirit
Caboodle: Work from the Jam Factory Studios
Jam Factory Gallery SA
Ceramics, Glass, Furniture, Metal
14 November 1997 - 11 January 1998
Art & the Spirit
Tripping the Light: The Big Party Show
Curator: Robyn Daw
Artists: Cath Barcan, Christl Berg, Barbie Kjar, Greg Leong
University Gallery, Launceston Tasmania
8- 31 August 1997
Art & the Spirit
Curated by Romy Wall with David Hansen
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart Tasmania
28 November 1997 - 4 January 1998
Art & the Spirit
Swingtime, East Coast - West Coast: Works from the 1960s-1970s in The University of Western Australia Art Collection
East Coast 22 August 1997 -1 February 1998; & 10 April - 27 September 1998.
West Coast 22 August 1997 - 21 June 1998.
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
The University of Western Australia, Perth.
Art & the Spirit
Building a picture: Interviews with Australian Artists by Gary Catalano
Published by McGraw Hill Australia 1997
RRP $36,90
Art & the Spirit
Katie Moore: Huff
Exhibition review Katie Moore 'Huff'
Contemporary Art Centre
Adelaide SA
Emerging Artists
Zoe Sweeney: Subsist - A Cosseted Environment
Exhibition review Zoe Sweeney: Subsist - A Cosseted Environment Gallery Go Go,
Melbourne Victoria
Emerging Artists
Megan Keating: Schema
Exhibition review Megan Keating: Schema Dunce Gallery,
Hobart, Tasmania
Emerging Artists
Angela Hutchings
Exhibition review Angela Hutchings: The Maling Room
Casula Powerhouse,
Sydney NSW
Emerging Artists
Exhibition review Hatched: Healthway National Graduate Show 97
Perth Institute of Contemporary Art,
Perth WA
Emerging Artists
Belinda Giddins, Mandy Ridley and Sandra Selig
Exhibition review Belinda Giddins, Mandy Ridley, Sandra Selig
Parlour Metro Art,
Brisbane Queensland
Emerging Artists
Impasse: Art in Australia from Colonization to Postmodernism
Book review Impasse: Art in Australia from Colonization to Postmodernism by Christopher Allen
Thames and Hudson 1997
RRP $19.95
Emerging Artists
The Path of Peace
Arts of Vanuatu
Ed Bonnemaison, Huffman Kaufmann, Tryon.
Published by Crawford House
RRP $69.95
Looking at the Republic
Travelling North or Going Backwards?
Is Australia an Asian Country? by Stephen FitzGerald
Allen and Unwin 1997 RRP $19.95.
Looking at the Republic
Cheating Tragedy
The Art of Gordon Bennett
by Ian McLean and Gordon Bennett
Craftsman House
RRP $75
Looking at the Republic
Hard Edge Political
Lawyers, Guns and Money
19 June - 7 September
Experimental Art Foundation
Lion Arts Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide.
Looking at the Republic
A few more fish than you'd expect for seven bucks
Still Life: Still Lives
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
6 June - 27 July 1997
Looking at the Republic
Post-Colonial Dreaming
Mapping the Comfort Zone: The Dream and the Real
works by Irene Briant, Jenny Clapson, Jo Crawford, Christine James. Catherine K, Nien Schwartz, Lucinda Clutterbuck & Sarah Watt.
Artspace, Adelaide Festival Centre
4 July - 16 August 1997
Looking at the Republic
Disclosing Secrets
Terr(or) Firma Terr Affirma
Brenda Goggs Prospect Gallery South Australia
1- 22 June 1997
Looking at the Republic
Re Affiliations
12 June - 13 July 1997
Margaret Sanders, Claudia Lünig, Clare Martin, Hanh Ngo, Maria Stukoff, Lisa Jeong, Paloma Ramos, Madelaine Neveu
Nexus Gallery, Adelaide
Looking at the Republic
To Have or to Hold
Debra Dawes, Zsolt Faludi, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Carlier Makigawa, Susan Norrie, Mary Scott. Curator: Clare Bond.
Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart
12 April -2 May, 1997
University Gallery. Launceston
2 - 31 July, 1997
Reviewed by Mary Knights
Looking at the Republic
Hello Sailor
Exhibition review Sculpture Bert Flugelman
Greenaway Art Gallery,
Adelaide, South Australia
23 April - 18 May 1997
Art & Medicine
Salome's Dance
Exhibition review Blind: Annette Bezor
Greenaway Art Gallery,
Adelaide, South Australia
March 26 - April 20 1997
Art & Medicine
A Manifesto of Arrival and Understanding
Exhibition review Paintings: Zhong Chen
Adelaide Central Gallery,
South Australia
7 March - 20 April 1997
Art & Medicine
Historical Incisions
Exhibition Review Intervention 4: Michael Schlitz
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
3 February - 2 March 1997
Art & Medicine
Getting a Glimpse of the San
Exhibition review Eland and Moon: Contemporary San Art of Southern Africa
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory
29 November - 31 March 1997
Art & Medicine
Compelling Viewing
Exhibition review In focus: Rover Thomas
Stories: Works from the Holmes a Court Collection
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
The University of Western Australia
Part of the 1997 Festival of Perth
Art & Medicine
An Elliptical Traverse
Exhibition review Inside the visible - Alternative views of 20th Century Art through Women's Eyes
Art Gallery of Western Australia
13 February - 6 April 1997
Art & Medicine
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Book review Letters and Liars: Norman Lindsay and the Lindsay Family by Joanna Mendelssohn
Angus and Robertson
RRP $19.95
Art & Medicine
Search and You Shall Find
Book review Max Germaine's Artists and Galleries on CD Rom
Published by Macquarie Multimedia
RRP $199
(reviewed by Anna Ward with Julia Farrow vi$
Art & Medicine
Serious Fun
Book review Absolutely Mardi Gras
Jointly published by Doubleday and the Powerhouse Museum
RRP $29.95
Australian Design
Inventive Australia
Book review Know-how, the guide to innovation in Australia
Interactive CD Rom published by Powerhouse Publications,
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney NSW
RRP $99.95
Australian Design
Seeing a Plant: Being a Plant
Exhibition review Stephanie Radok
Greenaway Gallery, Adelaide SA
11 September - 6 October 1996
Australian Design
Petals on a Wet Black Bough
Exhibition review In Remembrance of Things Past... Angela Valamanesh Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre, Adelaide SA
18 October - 1 December 1996
Australian Design
Loungeroom of Ideas
Exhibition review Messy and Restless: Helene Czerny, Julie Duffield, Paul Hoban, Terri Hoskin, Derek O'Connor
Contemporary Art Centre Adelaide SA
1- 24 November 1996
Australian Design
Out of the Kitchen
Exhibition review Masters Exhibitions 1996
12-28 September: Greg Geraghty, Johnathon Dady, Paul Dryga, Namchou Chitma
10-26 October: Rhonda Wheatland, Amanda Poland, Helen Stacey, Elizabeth Abbott, Brian Lynch
7- 23 November: Greg Fullerton, Danielle O'Brien, Julia McGuire, Harekrishna Bag,
University of SA Museum, Adelaide SA
Australian Design
Wanton Fruits
Exhibition review Barbie Kjar
Dick Bett Gallery,
Salamanca Place,
Hobart Tasmania
26 November - 10 December 1996
Australian Design
Share-house Art
Exhibition review Tasmania art co-op: recent works from Australian Artist-Run Initiatives
The Long Gallery, Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart Tasmania
15 November - 8 December 1996
Australian Design
The Nature of Perception
Exhibition review Howard Taylor: Paintings and Drawings
Galerie Dusseldorf, Perth WA
1- 22 September 1996
Australian Design
Space Defined
Exhibition review Jewellery by Brenda Ridgewell,
New Collectibles Gallery,
East Fremantle WA
20 November - 1 December 1996
Australian Design
The Necessity of Craft ed Lorna Kaino
Book review The Necessity of Craft: Development and Women's Craft Practice in the Asian Pacific Region
Edited by Lorna Kaino
University of Western Australia Press 1995
RRP $24.95
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia ed David Horton
Book review Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia with companion CD Rom
Edited by David Horton
Aboriginal Studies Press for AIATSIS
RRP $150
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Doin' the Limbo
Exhibition review White Hysteria
Curated by Susan Treister
Contemporary Art Centre, Adelaide South Australia
7 - 30 June 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Whetting the Appetite
Exhibition review State of the Art 4 Biennial survey exhibition
curated by Stephanie Radok
New Land Gallery, Port Adelaide South Australia
21 April - 12 May 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
The Silence which Howls
Exhibition review Second Look: Prospect Textile Biennial
Prospect Gallery
14 April - 5 May 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Funk Junk
Exhibition review Junk Bonds
New Land Gallery, Port Adelaide South Australia
Touring South Australia and interstate with Visions of Australia
28 June - 28 July 1996.
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Truth, Whose Truth?
Exhibition review Peter Dailey: Prime Time
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
University of Western Australia
17 May - 30 June 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Memories - Macabre and Magic
Exhibition review Aadje Bruce: Domestic Bliss
Artplace Claremont Western Australia
9 May -1 June 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Resilient Modernism
Exhibition review Miriam Stannage and Tom Gibbons
Goddard de Fiddes
Contemporary Art Perth, Western Australia
2- 22 June 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
From the Back Shed
Exhibition review House and Home
Anne Neil and Steve Tepper
Fremantle Art Centre galleries,
grounds and craft shop
25 May - 16 June 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Neo-colonialist Precipice
Exhibition review Secret Places
Sieglinde Karl, Hazel Smith, Kate Hamilton, Ron Nagorka
Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery,
Touring regional Australia through Contemporary Art Services Tasmania and the national Exhibitions Touring Scheme.
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Touch Don't Touch
Exhibition review Tangibility
Claire Barclay, John R Neeson, Stephen Bush & Jan Nelson Plimsoll Gallery and Powder Magazine, Hobart
10 - 31 May 1996
Indigenous Arts of the Pacific
Like a Chant
Exhibition review Recent Work: Hossein Valamanesh
4-29 October 1995,
Greenaway Gallery, Adelaide SA
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Perverse Desire?
Exhibition review Mail Order (for Women): Di Barrett
14 Sept - 8 October 1995,
EAF [Experimental Art Foundation]
Adelaide, South Australia
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Light Works
Exhibition review Some Pictures from a Somniloquist's Diary
Tony Trembath
1 November - 26 November 1995
Greenaway Gallery Adelaide SA
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
The Virtual in Hand
Exhibition review Armorial: Dianne Longley
8 September - 3 October 1995
Adelaide Central Gallery, SA
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Exhibition review Emergence: Arthur Russell
15 October - 12 November 1995
Greenhill Galleries, Perth, WA
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Distilling Poetry
Exhibition review Fremantle Print Awards
8 September - 15 October 1995
Fremantle Arts Centre, WA
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Everchanging Vindication
Exhibition review I won't wish I will: Pippin Drysdale
28 September - 8 October 1995
The Door Exhibition Space Fremantle, WA
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
When You Get Behind Closed Doors
Exhibition review Home: Body
Pat Brassington, Kathryn Faludi, Mary Scott, Heather B Swann, Jennifer Spinks
21 September - 13 October 1995
Carnegie Room Town Hall Hobart, Tasmania
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
The Many Tongues of Textiles
Exhibition review Tradition, Cloth, Meaning: Contemporary Textiles Curated by Sara Lindsay
17 September - 7 October 1995
Long Gallery Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart, Tasmania
Men's Business: Masculinities Reflected
Ethereal Days
Exhibition review Defrosting Familiar Tales
Jo Crawford, Bev Hogg
Jam Factory Gallery
Adelaide South Australia
7 July - 27 August 1995
Taste Meets Kitsch
Reathing, Writhing and Fainting in Coils: Richard Grayson
Exhibition review Received
Richard Grayson
Greenaway Art Gallery
Adelaide South Australia
12 July - 6 August 1995
Taste Meets Kitsch
Inflecting the Museum
Exhibition review Litteraria
Simryn Gill and Robert MacPherson
Artists in residence at the South Australian Museum
16 September - 31 December 1995
Taste Meets Kitsch
Making and Breaking
Exhibition review Cross Fibre
Lia Gill Pam Lofts and NT women working with fibre
24 Hour Art Darwin, Northern Territory
18 August - 2 September 1995
Taste Meets Kitsch
Monstrous Change Observed
Exhibition review Forrest Place During the Time of the Fly Plague and Other Paintings 1993-1995
Thomas Horeau
Perth Western Australia
Taste Meets Kitsch
A Dual Aesthetic
Exhibition Review Patmos Series Paintings
Jules Sher
Perth Galleries
Western Australia
Taste Meets Kitsch
Continuous History
Exhibition review Djalki Wanga: The Land is My Foundation
50 years of Aboriginal Art from Yirrkala
Northeast Arnhem Land Northern Territory
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery
Western Australia
July 9 - September 3 1995
Taste Meets Kitsch