
Creativity, rambling and disobedience: Architect or Bee
Artlink 1:2
Art and Theatre: Gutsy meetings
Artlink 1:2
Cathy Brooks at The Developed Image
Artlink 1:1
Gorgeous spreads: Australian picture story books of the '70s
Artlink 1:1
Signs of Life
Melbourne International Biennial 1999 Telecom Building Russell St and other venues in Melbourne 11 May - 27 June
James Gleeson
A selection of work from 1978-1998 Pinacotheca, Melbourne 2 - 26 June 1999
Red Contemporary Art Events
National Gallery of Victoria 28 May - 30 June 1999
Richard Larter
An exhibition to celebrate his 70th birthday Watters Gallery and Legge Gallery May 1999
Transit Lounge
Keith Armstrong Metro Arts, Brisbane 26 May - 19 June 1999
Respirare: Sebastion Di Mauro
Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane June 3 - 26
1 July - 8 August 1999 Nexus Gallery, Adelaide curated by Elizabeth Fotiadis
Ian Chandler
Greenaway Gallery 28 April - 23 May 1999
Jam Factory Biennial 1999
JamFactory, Adelaide 17 July - 29 August 1999
Cache: An Exhibition of Work by Artists from the Letitia Street Studios
11 June - 4 July 1999 CAST Gallery 27 Tasma Street, North Hobart
50 Reasons: Rox De Luca and Jo Darbyshire
Fremantle Arts Centre 28 May to 20 June 1999
Angela Stewart: Three Women
Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery 28 May - 27 June 1999
Art + Food = Lucio
Review of the book 'The art of food at Lucio's' by Lucio Galletto and Timothy Fisher, introduction by Leo Schofield. Foreword by Robert Hughes Craftsman House 1999 Sydney RRP $65.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Set Menus
Book Review Reel Meals, Set Meals: Food in Film and Theatre by Gaye Poole, Currency Press Sydney 1999 Links the consumption of food with the consumption of culture.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Designing the Hot Potato: Food, Design and Culture
Book Review Food: Design and culture Edited by Claire Catteral London; Lawrence King Publishing in association with Glasgow 1999 Festival Company
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Craft and Contemporary Social Ritual: Eating and Drinking
Book Review Craft and contemporary Social Ritual: Eating and Drinking Craft Victoria Melbourne 1999 $35 "Discussion about craft has moved apace and this publication proves it."
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Antony Hamilton: Mythology of Landscape
Survey exhibition, Art Gallery of South Australia 3 September  7 November 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Twenty Five Years and Beyond: Papunya Tula Painting
Curated by Doreen Mellor and Vincent Megaw Flinders University Art Museum City Gallery, Adelaide 4 September - 17 October 1999 Flinders Art Museum Campus Gallery 6 September - 22 December 1999.
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Body of Language: Roseanne Bartley
Craft Victoria Melbourne 5  28 August 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
One Sculptural Furniture
Annette Cock, Yvette Dumergue, Kathy Fox Stairwell Gallery, The Public Office, Melbourne
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Messengers from the West
A video-art project by Mayza Hamdan, Joanne Saad and Marian Abboud Artistic Director: Vahid Vahed Artspace 30 Sept - 23 October
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
What John Berger Saw:
Robert Boynes, Susan Fereday, Elizabeth Gertsakis, Dean Golja, Paul Hoban, John Hughes, Tim Johnson, Peter Kennedy, Peter Lyssiotis, Polixeni Papapetrou, Gregory Pryer, Anne Zahalka, Constance Zikos, The exhibition features a collaborative work by John Berger and UK artist John Christie. Canberra School of Art Gallery 10 September - 6 November 1999 Australian Tour 2000-2001
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Remembering Chinese: Gregory Kwok-Keung Leong
University Gallery, Launceston 5 - 27 August 1999 Craft Victoria 30 Sept - 30 Oct Burnie Regional Art Gallery 13 Dec - 1 Jan
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
John Vella, Neil Haddon and Phillip Watkins Curated by David Hansen CAST Gallery, North Hobart 9 July - 1 August1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Robert Juniper
The Art Gallery of Western Australia 11 September - 21 November
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Brenda L. Croft, Destiny Deacon & Glen Hughes
Brenda L Croft:In My Father's House Destiny Deacon:Postcards from Mummy Glen Hughes:One Family: Perth Institute of Contemporary Art 12 August - 12 September 1999
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
The Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art
Queensland Art Gallery 9 September - 26 January
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
History and Memory in the art of Gordon Bennett
Brisbane City Gallery; July 29 - Sept 4, 1999 Ikon Gallery, Birmingham: Nov 20, 1999 - Jan 23 2000 Arnolfini Galleries, Bristol: Jan 29 - March 12, 2000 Henie Onstad Gallery, Oslo: April 9 - June 12, 2000
Good Taste: Food, Consumption & Pleasure
Exhbition Review Immediate 31 March- 11 April 1999 Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart Tasmania Curated by Leigh Hobba
The Future of Art
Exhibition review Emblematic 12-31 March 1999 Smith+Stonely, Queensland Curated by Amelia Gundelach
The Future of Art
Exhibition review Doll 19 March - 15May 1999 29 artists plus works from the SA Museum, Artspace, Adelaide Festival Centre South Australia Curated by Vivonne Thwaites
The Future of Art
Blak Beauty and Images from the Sea
Exhibition reviews Blak Beauty February 6- May 2 1999 Curated by Brook Andrew Images from the Sea December 5 1998- June 27 1999 Djamu Gallery: Australian Museum at Customs House, Sydney NSW
The Future of Art
Butcher Cherel Janangoo, Julie Dowling, Julie Gough
Exhibition review Butcher Cherel Janangoo, Julie Dowling, Julie Gough 10 February - 7 March 1999 Artplace Western Australia
The Future of Art
Riding on the Edge: Art, Identity and the Motorcycle
Exhibition review Riding on the edge: Art Identity and the Motorcycle 7 February- 11 April 1999 Waverley City Gallery Curated by John Pigot
The Future of Art
Vault: A Collaborative Installation Cluster
Ian North and Helen Fuller 12 November - 6 December 1998 Experimental Art Foundation
Mining the Archive
The Fleurieu Biennale 1998
McLaren Vale Fleurieu Peninsula 6 - 29 November 1998
Mining the Archive
November 22 to December 20 Cosmopolitan Cinema and Shopping Arcade
Mining the Archive
Recollections of Memory: Akio Makigawa
Jewellery by Carlier Makigawa Galerie Dusseldorf October 1998
Mining the Archive
Juliet Stone Paintings and Pastels
Juliet Stone paintings and pastels Gomboc Gallery Perth 1-22 November 1998
Mining the Archive
ODD: business, news, finance and weather
Andrew Petrusevics and Chris Gaston Artspace, Adelaide Festival Centre 28 August to 24 October 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Entree: Emerging Adelaide Artists
Curated by Di Barrett Nexus Gallery, Adelaide September - October
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Expanse: Aboriginalities, Spatialities and the Politics of Ecstasy
University of SA Art Museum 4 September - 3 October 1998 Curated by Ian North
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Warka Irititja Munu Kuwari Kutu/Work from the Past and the Present
A celebration of fifty years of Ernabella Arts Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide August - September 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Sit Up! and Nature as Object
Sit Up!: 100 Masterpieces from the Vitra Design Museum Collection Nature as Object: Craft and Design from Japan, Finland and Australia Art Gallery of Western Australia 2 July - 6 September 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Past Tense/Future Perfect
Craftwest Gallery, Perth and Moores Building, Fremantle 4 - 26 July 1998 Centre for Contemporary Craft, Customs House, Sydney 12 September - 11 October 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
Divergent: Abstraction and the Photographic Object
Recent Works by Adam Bunny, Jane Burton, Penelope Davis, Gavin Hipkins, Brian Jefferies, David Martin, Jeffrey Sturges & Andrew Wilson Curated by Simon Cuthbert Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, Hobart, September 11 - October 4
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
The Meeting of the Waters: The Australian Print Project
24 Hr Art, Darwin September 1998
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
The Wild(e) Colonial Boy
Leigh Bowery edited Robert Violette published Editions Violette/distributed by Thames and Hudson $89.00 238 pp colour and b&w illustrations
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
White Aborigines: Identity Politics in Australian Art
Ian McLeanWhite Aborigines:Identity Politics in Australian Art. Oakleigh, Vic, Cambridge University Press, 1998, 204 pp. RRP $39.95 hb.
The Big Pond: Australian Artists Overseas
8 X Tables by Steve Tepper
Moore's Building, Fremantle May 14 - 28, 1998 Reviewed by Robyn Taylor
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Sustained Contemplative Images: Atlas Exhibition Cathy Blanchflower
Goddard de Fiddes Gallery, Perth 1 - 22 May 1998. Reviewed by Mary Livesey
Art, Pornography & Censorship
The Promise of Fruit: Kirsty Darlaston, Brenda Goggs, Lucia Pichler, Karen Russell
North Adelaide School Of Art Gallery 13 May - 4 June 1998
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Black Humour
Curated by Neville John O'Neill for the Canberra Contemporary Art Space. Tandanya, National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, Adelaide 10 July - 16 August 1998
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Cosie: She Decorated a House and Called it a Home
Annette McKee and Helen Fuller Jam Factory Gallery Adelaide SA 16 May- 5 July 1998
Art, Pornography & Censorship
The Painted Coast: Views of the Fleurieu Peninsula Coast of South Australia.
Art Gallery of SA 8 May to 16 August 1998 Curated by Jane Hylton
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Ecologies of Place and Memory and Time and Tide
Ecologies of Place and Memory (Lauren Berkowitz, Rosemary Burke, Torquil Canning, Lola Greeno, Ruth Hadlow, Sieglinde Karl and Louise Weaver) Time & Tide (Rowena Gough, Gay Hawkes, Lin Li, Pilar Rojas and Catherine Truman) Both curated by Bridget Sullivan Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts, Hobart May 22 - June 14 (Ecologies) June 19 - July 12 (Time)
Art, Pornography & Censorship
Public Art Practical Guidelines
Book review Public Art Practical Guidelines Authors Pip Sawyer, Malcolm McGregor, Robyn Taylor Published by the Ministry for Culture and the Arts September 1997 $40.00 + $5.00 p&h from the Artists Foundation of WA
Public Art in Australia
All this and Heaven too
Exhibition review All this and Heaven too Curated by Juliana Engberg The Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art Art Gallery of South Australia 28 February - 13 April 1998
Public Art in Australia
1998 Adelaide Festival Visual Arts Program
Review of the 1998 Adelaide Festival Visual Arts Program February - March 1998
Public Art in Australia
Artists' Week... Walk that Walk
Review of Artists week for the Adelaide Festival of Arts 1998
Public Art in Australia
Coming Round the Mountain: Excursive Sight
Exhibtion Review Coming Round the Mountain: Excursive Sight Plimsoll Gallery, Centre for the Arts University of Tasmania Hobart 17 January - 1 February 1998
Public Art in Australia
Pillow Songs: Poonkhin Khut
Exhibition Review Pillow Songs: Poonkhin Khut Sidespace Gallery Salamanca Arts Centre Hobart Tasmania January 1 - 30 1998
Public Art in Australia
Visual Arts Program: Festival of Perth
Exhibition review Visual Arts Program: Festival of Perth February 1998
Public Art in Australia
Contemporary Art in Asia: Traditions/Tensions
Exhibition Review Contemporary Art in Asia: Traditions/Tensions Organised by the Asia Society New York Art Gallery of Western Australia 6 February - 29 March 1998
Public Art in Australia
Maria Ghost: Rick Martin
Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide SA December - January 1998
Art & the Spirit
The Measured Room
Di Barrett, Mark Kimber, Deborah Paauwe, Toby Richardson Contemporary Art Centre of SA 1 October - 2 November 1997
Art & the Spirit
Caboodle: Work from the Jam Factory Studios
Jam Factory Gallery SA Ceramics, Glass, Furniture, Metal 14 November 1997 - 11 January 1998
Art & the Spirit
Tripping the Light: The Big Party Show
Curator: Robyn Daw Artists: Cath Barcan, Christl Berg, Barbie Kjar, Greg Leong University Gallery, Launceston Tasmania 8- 31 August 1997
Art & the Spirit
Curated by Romy Wall with David Hansen Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart Tasmania 28 November 1997 - 4 January 1998
Art & the Spirit
Fremantle 6160
Fremantle Arts Centre 18 October - 30 November 1997
Art & the Spirit
Swingtime, East Coast - West Coast: Works from the 1960s-1970s in The University of Western Australia Art Collection
East Coast  22 August 1997 -1 February 1998; & 10 April - 27 September 1998. West Coast  22 August 1997 - 21 June 1998. Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery The University of Western Australia, Perth.
Art & the Spirit
Building a picture: Interviews with Australian Artists by Gary Catalano
Published by McGraw Hill Australia 1997 RRP $36,90
Art & the Spirit
Katie Moore: Huff
Exhibition review Katie Moore 'Huff' Contemporary Art Centre Adelaide SA
Emerging Artists
Zoe Sweeney: Subsist - A Cosseted Environment
Exhibition review Zoe Sweeney: Subsist - A Cosseted Environment Gallery Go Go, Melbourne Victoria
Emerging Artists
Megan Keating: Schema
Exhibition review Megan Keating: Schema Dunce Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania
Emerging Artists
Angela Hutchings
Exhibition review Angela Hutchings: The Maling Room Casula Powerhouse, Sydney NSW
Emerging Artists
Exhibition review Hatched: Healthway National Graduate Show 97 Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth WA
Emerging Artists
Belinda Giddins, Mandy Ridley and Sandra Selig
Exhibition review Belinda Giddins, Mandy Ridley, Sandra Selig Parlour Metro Art, Brisbane Queensland
Emerging Artists
Impasse: Art in Australia from Colonization to Postmodernism
Book review Impasse: Art in Australia from Colonization to Postmodernism by Christopher Allen Thames and Hudson 1997 RRP $19.95
Emerging Artists
The Path of Peace
Arts of Vanuatu Ed Bonnemaison, Huffman Kaufmann, Tryon. Published by Crawford House RRP $69.95
Looking at the Republic
Travelling North or Going Backwards?
Is Australia an Asian Country? by Stephen FitzGerald Allen and Unwin 1997 RRP $19.95.
Looking at the Republic
Cheating Tragedy
The Art of Gordon Bennett by Ian McLean and Gordon Bennett Craftsman House RRP $75
Looking at the Republic
Hard Edge Political
Lawyers, Guns and Money 19 June - 7 September Experimental Art Foundation Lion Arts Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide.
Looking at the Republic
A few more fish than you'd expect for seven bucks
Still Life: Still Lives Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide 6 June - 27 July 1997
Looking at the Republic
Post-Colonial Dreaming
Mapping the Comfort Zone: The Dream and the Real works by Irene Briant, Jenny Clapson, Jo Crawford, Christine James. Catherine K, Nien Schwartz, Lucinda Clutterbuck & Sarah Watt. Artspace, Adelaide Festival Centre 4 July - 16 August 1997
Looking at the Republic
Disclosing Secrets
Terr(or) Firma Terr Affirma Brenda Goggs Prospect Gallery South Australia 1- 22 June 1997
Looking at the Republic
Re Affiliations 12 June - 13 July 1997 Margaret Sanders, Claudia Lünig, Clare Martin, Hanh Ngo, Maria Stukoff, Lisa Jeong, Paloma Ramos, Madelaine Neveu Nexus Gallery, Adelaide
Looking at the Republic
To Have or to Hold
Containment Debra Dawes, Zsolt Faludi, Gwyn Hanssen Pigott, Carlier Makigawa, Susan Norrie, Mary Scott. Curator: Clare Bond. Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart 12 April -2 May, 1997 University Gallery. Launceston 2 - 31 July, 1997 Reviewed by Mary Knights
Looking at the Republic
Hello Sailor
Exhibition review Sculpture Bert Flugelman Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide, South Australia 23 April - 18 May 1997
Art & Medicine
Salome's Dance
Exhibition review Blind: Annette Bezor Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide, South Australia March 26 - April 20 1997
Art & Medicine
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