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Twenty: Sherman Galleries 1986-2006 Laura Murray Cree (ed) Craftsman House ISBN 0 9757684 1 7 RRP $95
Grishin looks at the earliest teachings of Australian art history in Australian universities, commencing in the year 1946 with gradually diminishing staff and resources in more recent years. This text further examines some of the pressures against and valued roles of Australian art history in education institutions. Key figures referred to are Sidney Dickinson, Bernard Smith, James Mollison, Wally Caruana, Robyn Maxwell, Bea Maddock and William Morris.
Founded as recently as 1888 the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum in Wharfedale was by reputation the biggest madhouse in Western Europe, and Brooks small village lay huddled beside it. Brook tells the story of living in sin, celebacy and the wall that proposed a division between madness and sanity.